We are the Anti-Stigma Network and we are…
Living and lived experience of the harms of stigma are centred in our work, but there is a role for everyone regardless of experience.
Non-party political
We have no political allegiance or prevailing agenda.
This is a journey, and mistakes will be made along the way.
People affected by drug and alcohol use are frequently excluded from social justice campaigns due to stigma. We commit to not excluding uncomfortable social issues.
We employ evidence-based approaches whilst recognising that there is still much to learn about what works
We celebrate and encourage creative problem-solving and believe in employing all communication methods and medium possible to engage and connect.
Our Mission
The Anti-Stigma Network has been created by a group of organisations coming together with a shared mission.
Collectively we aim to improve understanding of the stigma and discrimination experienced by all people affected by drug and alcohol use. We aim to help coordinate and amplify the huge variety of existing anti-stigma work across the UK. Enabling us all to maximise our shared effort to take action to end stigma.
In time, we will also produce and encourage the creation of original work in collaboration with members of the network.
Currently a steering committee made up of a diverse range of organisations leads the initial actions of the Anti-Stigma Network. Over time we expect this approach will evolve.
We recognise that many organisations and individuals are doing and have done amazing, impactful and creative work to address stigma.
We aim to build on this work by bringing individual people, families, communities, educational institutions, charities, businesses and policymakers together to share, learn and create.
Lived experience and fundamental human right drive us, we use evidenced based approaches and we aim to make real world change.
We have no political allegiance, or prevailing agenda. other than an ambition for people affected by drug and alcohol use to be treated fairly, justly and with dignity.
This broad-based network will be a coalition of diverse approaches, philosophies and opinions. We recognise this will mean that not everyone will agrees with everyone else. We see this as a strength.
This is a journey, and mistakes will be made along the way, but we believe it is time to come together to make change.
Steering Committee
Karen Biggs Chief Exec, Phoenix Futures
Vice Chair
Danny Hames Chair of NHS APA and Head of Inclusion, part of NHS Midlands Partnership Foundation Trust.
Claire Brown DDN Magazine
Daniel Burn Public Health, Leeds City Council
Tim Sampey Build on Belief
Lucie Mauger Phoenix Futures
James Armstrong Phoenix Futures
Candie Lincoln NHS Inclusion
Harry Sumnal Liverpool John Moores University
Viv Evans Adfam
Martin Blakeborough Kaleidoscope